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Believe it or not, nutrition is actually an extremely important role in our eye care. Commonly, age-related eye issues are macular degeneration and cataracts. However, for nutrients such as Omega-3, Zinc, Vitamin-C & E, and beta carotene, the organization (AOA) American Optometric Association has approved these nutrients to aiding eye health.
Omega-3 aids with dry eyes and is most commonly found in fish such as

A great way to cook them is in a soup, steamed, or stir-fried.
Vitamin E: Research shows that Vitamin E help in reducing age-related macular degeneration and they can be commonly found in
Nuts: Walnuts, Peanuts, Cashews, Lentils
Seeds: Chia Seeds, Flax Seed

These foods also contain Omega-3 as well, nuts can be eaten raw or roasted. Other popular easy recipes can be chia seed pudding (video recipe). You can add vitamin-C rich fruits and Vitamin-E nuts.
Zinc: Zinc helps to keep the retina healthy to reduce the risks of sight loss while ageing, and can be found mainly in
Red meat

Shelled seafood such as oysters, crab, & shrimp
Vitamin-C: Vitamin-C lowers the risk of cataracts and slows down the worsening of age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin-C is popular in fruits and vegetables

such as
Citrus Fruit
Green and Red Peppers
Green Vegetables (Kale, Spinach)
Beta Carotene: Helps to keep the cornea of the eye healthy and moist while reducing the stress from the light on your eyes, they can be found in

Sweet potatoes