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Complications relating to laser eye surgery are not uncommon. In 2018, New York Times warned about the effects of the surgery. Furthermore, a lawsuit was filed against a Quebec-based company Lasik MD, because they did not warn people of the risks of the surgery.

There are many complications that may arise from LASIK eye surgery without the necessary precautions. As a result, in order to ensure the safety of one’s eyes, it is important to be properly informed and assessed.
The goal of refractive laser eye surgery is to correct common vision problems, specifically nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. The first laser technologies were associated with many complications, such as enormous amounts of pain both during the procedure and afterwards. To address this concern, a technology called LASIK, commonly known as laser eye surgery, evolved. With LASIK surgery, surgical complications affect 10 to 30 percent of patients. These complications are typically not life-threatening, but some patients endure chronic post-surgery pain and vision problems. These complications are severe enough that a former Food and Drug Administration expert is urging for the suspension of this surgery until further safety investigation is done.
With LASIK eye surgery, the sensory nerves are cut, which are important for the production of tears. Without these nerves, the surface of the eyes can potentially deteriorate. The cut nerves usually recover in a few months, but this is not always the case. A woman who suffered from neuropathy underwent LASIK eye surgery at a centre she was not familiar with. Neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves. With regard to the eyes, some symptoms may include pain behind the eyes, vision loss in one eye, and seeing flashing lights. Both the woman and the eye centre were unaware of her condition prior to the surgery. Afterwards, the woman’s cornea nerves were permanently affected. This resulted in chronic pain that ended up affecting her everyday life.
When performing surgery, many precautions need to be taken to keep one’s eyes safe. In particular, decisions need to be made carefully with an eye-care professional that has known the individual’s eyes for a long time. It may also be useful to get more than one opinion from different centres as well. Furthermore, it is important to know the risk factors of the operation. For example, the surgery makes one’s eyes more dry, so if someone already has drier eyes, LASIK eye surgery may not be effective. Lastly, after the surgery, one should follow up with an optometrist or ophthalmologist, and continue to do regular eye check-ups.
When deciding to undergo laser eye surgery, one should be well-informed and properly assessed to avoid any complications as much as possible. Proper precautions must be taken in order to ensure the safety of one’s eyes.